The Colorado Group
  • A balance between the user and preparer perspectives
  • Global nature of today's business world is emphasised via the International Notes
  • Chapter-Opening Previews contain charts that visually represent the chapter's outline. Each of these chapter "road maps" establishes the chapter's key concepts and their relationship to one another.
  • Chapter-Opening Vignettes are brief stories that show students how key topics of the chapter relate to the real world of business and accounting. The majority of vignettes end with the Internet address of the company cited in the story, encouraging students to further explore the featured business. Throughout the chapter the authors refer back to opening vignettes, putting ideas back into familiar context for the student.
  • Business Insight boxes relate the chapter's content to actual accounting situations in real business. Three different icons identify three different points of view: Management Insights, Investor Insights and International Insights
  • Before You Go On, Review It, Do It questions serve as learning checks at the end of major text sections. Do It exercises ask students to put their knowledge to work in some form of financial statements preparation. Worked solutions show how problems should be solved.
  • Using the Decision Toolkit exercise challenges students to use financial information from a financial statement to make a financial decision. This feature appears after the last Before You Go On section in each chapter.
  • Strong emphasis on accounting as a business decision tool and processes
  • Strong emphasis on the Australian conceptual framework and its application
  • To enhance conceptual understanding of the impact of transactions, accounting equation analyses appear in the margins next to each journal entry
  • Features 4 colour presentation, and the pedagogical features are supported with graphics and photographs